Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Dad!

I am posting a special post this week. About 10 days ago I was reminded that it has been 25 years since my father passed away. I remember that dreadful day so vividly and it stirs up some very difficult emotions to deal with. Because, he was a very kind, special, and loving dad. I have some of my fondest memories because of him and who we was. The very thoughts of him help guide me and how I deal with my wife and children. Although he died, he his death gave me an additional blessing. I had got the oppurtunity to have a second father in my life. Even though Dirk and I didn't always see eye to eye, he taught me tons and he loved me. For this I am thankful for. So Dad, I love you and miss you and always will. You have given me so much in the short time you were apart of my life on earth, but that time will live with me forever.

1933 - 1983

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